Why register with us?
We spend all day, every day, 365 days a year researching your industry and building relationships with the companies that you would love to work for and maybe the odd gem that you may not even have considered.
Our Recruitment Process
- We take the time to understand your individual needs and levels of expertise so we will not waste your time presenting you with the wrong opportunity.
- We will talk to you to gain an understanding of what is important to you, your skills, future needs, salary, location etc.
- We will advise you on the current job market, job opportunities, salaries, feedback on your CV, interview techniques and interviews feedback.
- We can also go out into the market on your behalf and proactively search for a particular job, utilising our extensive database to find a targeted job role.
- We will create a record of your details on our database so that you are contacted about any new opportunities that we have.
- We will organise convenient interviews, with a detailed confirmation letter setting out everything that you need to know.
- We will confirm job offers and negotiate on your behalf.
- We will provide honest feedback.
- Everything we do is in confidence!

Targeted Recruitment
We recruit the following skill sets at all levels from Trainee to Executive:
- Supply Chain
- Merchandisers
- Buyers
- Designers
- Product Developers
- Technologists
- Pattern Cutters
- Quality Managers
- Sales
- Marketing
- Office Support
Within industry sectors including:
- Fashion
- Beauty
- Gifts
- Homewares
- Furniture
- Toys and Games
- Electrical Goods
- Food
What to do next?
To register with us simply email your CV
Your can browse the vacancies on our jobs page and view all, or define your selection criteria.
If you are seeking something a little different that you have not seen please contact us and one of our experienced Consultants will be happy to help.